Perimeter Security Locks
Padlocks are best known for their use at schools as portable locker locks. In the hallways or gym locker rooms they help secure student belongings in their lockers.
But what about keeping the school secure?
The buildings, class rooms, cafeteria and auditorium all have built-in locks included with the door hardware to restrict entry to the individual spaces. This is all well and good for the rooms themselves, but what about the school campus as a whole?
Perimeter security is most commonly taken care of by fences with gates. Naturally, if you don’t want people coming and going as they please the gates will have to be secured. Most pedestrian gate latches are built ready to receive a padlock shackle; this enables the gate to be securely locked when closed at the administrations discretion.
There are gates and that will not always fall into the latch padlock accepting category to be simply locked when closed. In these cases there is the option to go with a padlock on a chain or cable to keep a gate, or point of entry, closed and securely locked.
One of the conveniences of using padlocks for perimeter security is that certain lock models can be keyed alike. Not just to each other, but also to certain door hardware cylinders. The great advantage of keyed alike locks is that it minimizes the number of keys needed for facility administration.
Key holder responsibility is a major concern with facilities management, especially these days at schools, with keyed alike door hardware locks and perimeter security padlocks this can help ease the amount of necessary oversight required by administrators and allow a greater focus on education. The same is true for businesses and consumers.
Padlocks on chains, or cables, are still effective methods of security; especially since you could potentially have the lock keyed alike to match a key you already use.